How to setup docker inside docker DIND (Docker)


Software development and deployment have changed strongly since Docker made it easy to build, distribute, and operate apps in isolated environments known as containers. However, did you realise that Docker may also be used within another Docker container? The notion of Docker-in-Docker (DinD) is a fascinating one that gives developers and DevOps engineers new opportunities and applications. We’ll go over what Docker-in-Docker is, its possible uses, and the necessary setup procedures in this blog.

Starting to Know Docker-in-Docker (DinD)

Docker-in-Running a Docker daemon inside a Docker container is referred to as Dockering. With this configuration, you may control containers from within another container and carry out Docker activities. Even while it seems complicated, there are some situations where it may be quite useful, as when creating or testing Docker images in a closed environment.

Applications and Advantages of Docker-in-Docker

Docker-in-CI/CD Pipelines:Pipelines for continuous integration and continuous deployment, or CI/CD, frequently make use of Docker. Without requiring external Docker servers, it lets developers create, test, and publish Docker images.

Isolated Environment: An isolated and self-contained environment is produced when Docker is run within a container. With this separation, you may test or experiment with multiple Docker versions without worrying about how it affects the host system.

3. Development and Debugging: To mimic production environments locally for debugging, developers can utilise Docker-in-Docker. This aids in discovering problems that might only occur in the production setting.

4. Containerised Development Tools: For easy distribution and management of versions, DinD allows you to combine developer tools and utilities like Helm, Terraform, and Kubernetes within a Docker container.4. Containerised Development Tools: For simple distribution and version control, DinD enables you to package developer tools and utilities like Helm, Terraform, and Kubernetes within a Docker container.

Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up Docker-in-Docker

  1. Pull the Docker-in-Docker image:
docker pull docker:dind

2. Run Docker-in-Docker container:

docker run --privileged --name my-dind-container -d docker:dind

In this example, I used the name my-dind-container for the Docker-in-Docker container.

3. Access the Docker daemon inside the container:

docker exec -it my-dind-container /bin/sh

This will open a shell inside the running DinD container.

Verify that the name you really specified for your Docker-in-Docker container is substituted for my-dind-container.

Now, you can use Docker commands as if you were on a regular host.docker info
docker run hello-world

Check that the container is running and confirm the name if you run across any issues. List for current containers may be issued using:

docker ps

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